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[IMPORTANT] Warning for All Hackers!

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Warning for All Hackers!

All games serviced by NEXON Europe strongly prohibit
any and all actions related to hacking and all hack tools.

NEXON Europe takes an aggressive stance on hacking and
the production and/or the use of hack tools against all games serviced by NEXON Europe.

The production and/or the use of hack tools are violation of the
“Terms of Use” and “End User License Agreement.”
In addition, the production and/or the use of hack tools will be found, but not limited to,
as copyright infringement and obstruction of business.

Therefore, such activity of producing and/or using hack tools can result in not only being banned from all NEXON games but also being subject to civil and criminal liability.

To provide better gameplay experience to our users and to protect our rights in our games,
NEXON Europe is going to take remedial actions against hack sites and hackers.
NEXON Europe would like to ask your cooperation in making better gameplay experience!

- NEXON Europe -

En gros ils disent pas grand chose si ce n'est que les hacker pourrait des a présent faire l'objet de poursuite judiciaire...


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