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reponse sute nexon escroc

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1reponse sute nexon escroc Empty reponse sute nexon escroc Jeu 5 Sep - 9:43



they take their time?
be serious stop la. to block accounts ca was very fast. them to take now.
Meanwhile, we are lost money that they had put on as well as arms nx. will make it pay back us?

me he answered me the same thing, I have send my historical of paypal over 2 years for my 3 accounts. and still nothing. go will stop babbling us.

the thing that I think and I could be wrong but have you to prove me wrong.
(1) PM BST that nexon scam us simply for me too high grade and less money for them. they do this with the aim that it recreates an account and they esperes simply we deliver more money.

(2) nexon feels untouchable, but he is wrong. You should know that I took my information was the gendarmerie. y' has an avenue of redress.

(3) already I report the site to the police games and sites. the process is long but ca holds a be report. I have received several evidence and petitions from the players who play.
and ca continues arriving. I know personally that I atend one more week and I run the procedure.car I have all the evidence.

(4) need to know the moment that money is at stake, ca can be punished.

(5) when you create your account, you sign the terms of the game and he was in no case specify that he change passwords a day so you summers in rights. and for information of the game, not matter if you put false information because it is recommend by the police not to put the information.
I know all this because I work at the tribunal and that I got information.

(6) here are risks qu ' it may incur, closure of the site, and a procedure to the tribunal that can listen to cher. the only reason that he feels untouchable is that nobody has initiate this procedure. Watch the other games that feels untouchable took a complaint to the tribunal and the complainant has win the procedure because it was of ever seen.

(7) be aware that currently, petitions and complaints are underway on websites.
waiting for responses from nexon.

case or I make a copy of this letter.

so stop really dde take us for the inbeciles.

my sincere greetings


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